DSP Advanced Apps Course

DSP Advanced Apps Course Content:


Lesson 1 – Overview
Many digital signal processing algorithms emulate analog processes that have been around for
decades. Other signal processes are only possible in the digital domain. This clip provides a flyover of signal processing in general, and where it fits into the signal chain.

part 1
1. A little backdrop
2. Why Process
3. Digital Signal Processing
4. The Signal Chain
5. Principles

Lesson 2 – DSP Gain Structure

The first step in deploying DSP is to make sure the processor has an appropriate drive signal –
not too much and not too little. This will assure a maximum signal-to-noise ratio in the
processed signal.

part  1
1. DSP Inputs
2. Source Characteristics
3. Signal Characteristics
4. Analog-to-Digital Conversion
part  2
1. Garbage In, Garbage Out
2. “Line Level”
3. Microphone Preamps
4. Levels Through the DSP Blocks
5. Unity Gain
6. Output Levels
7. Digital Outputs
part 3
1. Overview
2. The Equipment Rack
3. DSP Architecture
4. Meters

Lesson 3 – Mixing and Routing
DSP is naturally suited to mix signals, and various types of mixer blocks are provided. Using
them effectively requires a little technical background on how multiple electrical signals sum to
produce a composite signal, or “mix.”
part 1 – Inputs vs. Outputs
1. Introduction
2. Signal Summing
3. Summers
4. The Matrix
5. Multi-bus Mixers
6. Conclusion
part 2 – Auto Mixers
1. Introduction
2. Gating Auto Mixers
3. Gain-sharing Auto Mixers
4. Auto Mixer Advantages

Lesson – 4 Digital Filters (1)
Filtering is perhaps the most important signal process. We rely on it to improve the response of
the loudspeaker, shape the spectrum of the audio signal, and precondition the acoustic signal
that drives the room. “Digital” filters may behave like analog filters, or they may have
characteristics not achievable with analog technology.
This is Part 1 of 2 on this important topic.
part 1 – Filter Characteristics (1)
1. Introduction
2. Analog Filters
3. A Little Background…
Video Clip 2 – Filter Characteristics (2)
1. The Transfer Function
2. A High Pass Filter Example
3. The Band Pass Filter
4. Equalizers
5. The Shelf Filter
6. Notch Filters
7. In Review

Lesson – 5 Digital Filters Part 2
A thorough presentation of audio filters requires the discussion of phase response. In fact, filters
are classified in terms of the nature of the phase shift that they produce as they modify the
magnitude response of the audio signal.
The concepts presented in this lesson have universal application and are brand agnostic.
part 1 – Signal Analysis
1. Introduction
2. The Impulse Response (IR)
3. The Transfer Function (TF)
4. Phase and Phase Shift
5. Phase Signatures
6. Phase Shift vs. Group Delay
part 2 – Filter Classifications
1. Minimum Phase
2. Excess Phase
3. Linear Phase
4. Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters
5. Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters

Lesson 6 – Dynamic Range Control
Next to filters, DRC may be the most important signal process. It gives us a way to automate the
control of both peak and RMS signal levels. This is necessary to achieve a pleasing mix of
various talkers, and to protect the loudspeaker from thermal damage and excessive excursion.
part 1 – Sound and Hearing
1. Introduction
2. Audio Levels
3. SPL and Loudness
4. Loudness Protection
5. Audio Meters
6. In Review
part 2 – Compressors and Limiters
1. Dynamic Range Control (DRC) Overview
2. The I/O Line
3. Gain or Loss
4. Peak Limiting
5. Attack and Release Time
6. RMS Limiting
7. Compression
8. DRC Visualized
part 3 – Other DRC Processes
1. Gating
2. Expanders
3. AGC
4. Ducking
5. ANC
6. Universal DRC Principles

Lesson 7 – Loudspeaker Processing
A modern DSP can provide all of the processes necessary to optimize the response of a
loudspeaker. A lifetime is required to learn all of the nuances, which is why loudspeaker
optimization is often done by the manufacturer.
Even if you don’t “tune” loudspeakers for a living, you will have to do it sooner or later. This
lesson will serve as an excellent review of nearly everything discussed in the course.
part 1
1. Loudspeaker Processing Overview
part 2 – Pass Band Equalization
1. Corrective EQ
2. Anechoic Response
3. IIR Filter Equalization
4. FIR Filter Equalization
5. Level Matching
part 3 – Crossover Networks
1. Overview
2. Relative Phase
part 4 – Crossover Networks (cont.)
1. Overview
2. 1st Order Network
3. 2nd Order Network
4. 3rd Order Network
5. 4th Order Network
6. FIR Crossover Networks
part 5 – Final Tweaks
1. Overview
2. LR24 Crossover
3. All Pass Filters
4. Precision Signal Delay
5. FIR Crossover
6. Mixed Phase Tunings
7. Conclusion
part 6 – Coarse Signal Delay
1. Introduction
2. Sound Speed
3. Arrival Time Differentials
4. Coarse Signal Delay

Lesson 8 Special Processes
This lesson covers some signal processes that are a bit less mainstream. We will add new clips
here from time to time.
The first topic covered is Acoustic Echo Cancellation or AEC. AEC is essential for
teleconferencing systems. Even if you don’t do conference rooms, mastering an understanding
of AEC opens the door to understanding many other DSP topics, such as FIR filters, the impulse
response, and adaptive filters.
part 1 – Acoustic Echo Cancellation – AEC
1. Introduction
2. The Problem
3. Direct and Reflected Signals
4. Echo Removal
part 2 – AEC Continued
1. A Simple AEC Example
2. AEC Convergence
3. Echo Return Loss (ERL)
4. Echo Return Loss Enhancement (ERLE)
5. Challenges

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