Flutter fundamentals Course
Flutter Fundamentals Course Content:
Flutter course level one :
Introduction to the programming:
- what is the programming.
- What is the programming language.
- What is the mobile development.
- Difference between native and cross platform.
- Why flutter.
Introduction to the dart:
- What is IDE.
- Data types.
- Arithmetic operations.
- Relational operation.
- Type test operation .
- Bitwise operation.
- Logical operation.
- if statement.
- In line if.
- If null .
- Switch case.
- Return types and parameters.
- Classes and objects.
- Special constructor.
- Over ride.
- Abstract .
Flutter fundamentals:
- Flutter SDK.
- First flutter project.
- App bar
- Flutter inspector
- Icon button
- Safe area
- Column and Expanded
- Column attributes.
- Single Child Scroll view.
- Stack and container.
- Login design.
- Messenger design.
- List view.
- List view and model class.
- Stateful widget and Stateless widget
if you would like to get more information please register . .
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