NFPA - CFPS Preparation Exam
We all know how important it is to succeed in obtaining the CFPS certificate
We all know that this certificate provides its holder with the following opportunities:
First : This certificate is the most important international certificate in the field of fire and opens up many opportunities and wide areas for great financial returns.
Second : The certificate is internationally recognized as its holder is a skilled specialist in the field of fire and gives its holder the right to obtain a promotion
Third : According to this certificate , it places you in the first category of specialists in major companies and you can work in Europe, America and the Gulf countries
CFPS كلنا نعلم عن مدى أهمية النجاح فى الحصول على شهادة
وكلنا نعلم أن هذه الشهادة تتيح لصاحبها الفرص الأتي
أولا : هذه الشهادة هى أهم شهادة دولية فى مجال الحريق و تفتح له فرص كثيرة و مجالات واسعه للعائد المالى الكبير
ثانيا : الشهادة معترف بها عالميا بأن حاملها متخصص ببراعه فى مجال الحريق و تعطى الحق لصاحبها فى الحصول على الترقيه
ثالثا : و بمقتضى هذه الشهادة تضعك فى الفئة الأولى للمتخصصين فى كبرى الشركات و تستطيع العمل فى أوروبا و أمريكا و دول الخليج
:فهى كالاتي CFPS من أهم مميزات (جيليكوم) فى دبلومه ال
وفيديوهات خاصه بالمنهجPower Point اولا : يتم شرح أحدث مرجع ( كاملا) وبطريقه سهله مبسطه عن طريق
يتم ارسال ملخص بالنقاط الاساسيه section ثانيا : فى أخر كل
section موضح به اهم الصفحات المطلوب التركيز عليها داخل المرجع لكل excel sheet ثالثا: يتم ارسال
رابعا: بعد الانتهاء من شرح المرجع وارسال النقاط الاساسيه الهامه يتم تعليم الساده المتدربين كيفيه استخدام الكتاب داخل الامتحان بشكل سريع لاستخراج المعلومه واجابه الاسئله
خامسا : يتم التطبيق على استخدام المرجع عن طريق حل اسئله الامتحانات
NFPA – CFPS Preparation Exam Course Content
SECTION 1: Safety in the Built Environment
1.1 The NFPA Fire & Life Safety Ecosystem
1.2 Challenges to Safety in the Built Environment
1.3 Codes and Standards for the Built Environment
1.4 Legal Issues for Design and Enforcement Professionals
1.5 Fire Prevention and Code Enforcement
1.6 Systems Approach to Fire-Safe Building Design
1.7 Wildland Fires and Wildland/Urban Interface
1.8 The Interconnected All-Hazards Fire Department
1.9 Smart Infrastructure and Fire Protection
SECTION 2: Basics of Fire and Fire Science
2.1 Physics and Chemistry of Fire
2.2 Physics of Fire Configuration
2.3 Fire Hazards of Materials and Products
2.4 Introduction to Compartment Fires
2.5 Basics of Fire Containment
2.6 Fundamentals of Fire Detection
2.7 Theory of Fire Extinguishment
2.8 Explosions
SECTION 3: Information and Analysis for Fire Protection
3.1 An Overview of the Fire Problem
3.2 Fire Loss Investigation
3.3 Fire Incident Data: From Collection to Use
3.4 Introduction to Fire Modeling
3.5 Fire Hazard Analysis Techniques
3.6 Fire Risk Analysis
3.7 Closed Form Enclosure Fire Calculations
3.8 The Role of Performance-Based Codes and Standards in Fire Safety Design
3.9 Overview of Performance-Based Fire Protection Design
SECTION 4: Human Factors in Emergencies
4.1 Human Behavior and Fire
4.2 Calculation Methods for Egress Prediction
4.3 Facilitating Occupant Movement During Emergencies
4.4 Techniques of Crowd Management
SECTION 5: Fire and Life Safety Education
5.1 Community Risk Reduction
5.2 Principles and Techniques of Fire and Life Safety Education
5.3 Fire and Life Safety Education Messages
5.4 Evaluation Techniques for Fire and Life Safety Education
5.5 Educators as Public Information Officers and Effective Media Relations
5.6 Reaching High-Risk Groups
5.7 Youth Firesetting
SECTION 6: Characteristics of Materials and Products
6.1 Fire Hazards of Materials
6.2 Combustion Products and Their Effects on Life Safety
6.3 Concepts and Protocols of Fire Testing
6.4 Wood and Wood-Based Products
6.5 Fibers and Textiles
6.6 Upholstered Furniture and Mattresses
6.7 Fire-Retardant and Flame-Resistant Treatment of Cellulosic Materials
6.8 Additive Flame Retardants
6.9 Dusts
6.10 Metals
6.11 Gases
6.12 Medical Gases
6.13 Ignitible (Flammable and Combustible) Liquids
6.14 Polymeric Materials
6.15 Pesticides
6.16 Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products
6.17 Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products
6-18 Solid and Liquid Oxidizers
6-19 Organic Peroxides
6-20 Tables and Charts
SECTION 7: Storage and Handling of Materials
7.1 Storage and Handling of Solid Fuels
7.2 Storage of Ignitible (Flammable and Combustible) Liquids
7.3 Storage of Gases
7.4 Storage and Handling of Chemicals
7.5 Hazardous Waste Control
SECTION 8: Special Equipment
8.1 Air-Moving Equipment
8.2 Chemical Processing Equipment
8.3 Materials-Handling Equipment
8.4 Automated Equipment
8.5 Lasers
8.6 Protection of Electronic Equipment
8.7 Heat Transfer Systems and Fluids
8.8 Industrial and Commercial Heat Utilization Equipment
8.9 Oil Quenching and Molten Salt Baths
8.10 Stationary Combustion Engines and Fuel Cells
8.11 Fluid Power Systems
8.12 Industrial Refrigeration Systems
8.13 Photovoltaic Systems
8-14 Energy Storage Systems
SECTION 9: Processes and Facilities
9.1 Woodworking Facilities and Processes
9.2 Spray Finishing and Powder Coating
9.3 Dipping and Coating Processes
9.4 Plastics Industry and Related Process Hazards
9.5 Metalworking Processes
9-6 Cannabis Processing Facilities
9.7 Storage and Bulk Handling of Grain Elevator and Milling Operations
9.8 Protection of Records
9.9 Semiconductor Manufacturing
9.10 Oilseed Solvent Extraction Plants
9.11 Protection of Wastewater Treatment Plants
9.12 Fire Protection of Laboratories Using Chemicals
9.13 Fire Protection of Telecommunications Facilities
9.14 Electric Generating Plants
9.15 Nuclear Facilities
9.16 Mining and Mineral Processing
9.17 Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres
SECTION 10: Building Services
10.1 Emergency and Standby Power Supplies
10.2 Heating Systems and Appliances
10.3 Heating Systems, Boiler Furnaces, and Appliances
10.4 Building Transportation Systems
10.5 Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
10.6 Ventilation of Commercial Cooking Operations
SECTION 11: Fire Prevention Practices
11.1 Waste Handling and Control
11.2 Housekeeping Practices
11.3 Site Design for Fire Safety
11.4 Fire Hazards of Construction, Alteration, and Demolition of Buildings
11.5 Control of Electrostatic Ignition Sources
11.6 Lightning Protection Systems
SECTION 12: Non-Emergency Fire Department Functions
12.1 Planning for Public Fire-Rescue Protection
12.2 Organizational Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation
12.3 Needs Assessment and Hazard Analysis
12.4 Managing Fire-Rescue Departments
12.5 Information Management and Computer Technology
12.6 Liability of Fire Service Organizations for Negligent Fire Fighting
12.7 Safety, Medical, and Health Issues and Programs
12.8 Effect of Building Construction and Fire Protection systems on Fire Fighter Safety
12.9 Fire and Emergency Services Protective Clothing and Protective Equipment
12.10 Training Programs for Fire and Emergency Service Personnel
12.11 Industrial Fire Loss Prevention
12.12 Fire Rescue Stations and Fire Service Training Centers
12.13 Disaster Planning and Response Services
12.14 Public Emergency Services Alarm, Dispatch, and Communications Systems
12.15 Pre-lncident Planning for Industrial and Municipal Emergency Response
SECTION 13: Fire Department Emergency Operations
13.1 Fireground Operations
13.2 Organizing Search and Rescue Operations
13.3 Emergency Medical Services and the Fire Department
13.4 Emergency Vehicles and Equipment
13.5 Fire Streams
13.6 Alternate Water Supplies
13.7 Public Fire Protection and Hazardous Materials Management)
13.8 Managing the Response to Hazardous Material Incidents
13.9 Aircraft
13-10 Wildland Fire Management
13-11 Active Shooter/Hostile Event Operations
13-12 Fireground Operations for Energy Storage Systems
SECTION 14: Detection and Alarm
14-1 Fire Alarm and Signaling Systems
14.2 Automatic Fire Detectors
14.3 Notification Appliances
14.4 Fire Alarm System Interconnections
14.5 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Fire Alarm Systems
14.6 Household Fire-Warning Equipment
14.7 Fire Protection Surveillance and Security Services
14.8 Gas and Vapor Detection Systems and Monitors
14.9 Carbon Monoxide Detection
14.10 Fuel Gases Detection
SECTION 15: Water Supplies for Fixed Fire Protection
15.1 Fixed Water Storage Supplies for Fire Protection
15.2 Water Supply Requirements for Public Supply Systems
15.3 Hydraulics for Fire Protection
15.4 Water Supplies for Sprinkler Systems
15.5 Corrosion in Fire Sprinkler Systems
15.6 Fire Pumps
15.7 Fire Pump Controllers and Power Supply Arrangements for Motor-Driven Fire Pumps
SECTION 16: Water-Based Fire Suppression Equipment
16.1 Principles of Automatic Sprinkler System Performance
16.2 Automatic Sprinklers
16.3 Automatic Sprinkler Systems
16.4 Supporting Water-Based Systems
16.5 Sprinkler Systems for Storage Facilities
16.6 Residential Sprinkler Systems
16.7 Ultra-High-Speed Water Spray Systems
16.8 Water Mist Fire Suppression Systems
16.9 Water Spray Protection
16.10 Standpipe and Hose Systems
16.11 Care and Maintenance of Water-Based Extinguishing Systems
SECTION 17: Fire Suppression Systems and Portable Fire Extinguishers
17.1 Carbon Dioxide and Application Systems
17.2 Chemical Extinguishing Agents and Application Systems
17.3 Characteristics and Hazards of Water and Water Additives for Fire Suppression
17.4 Foam Extinguishing Agents and Systems
17.5 Portable Fire Extinguisher Applications, Use, and Maintenance
17.6 Clean Agents and Systems
17.7 Application of Gaseous Agents to Special Hazards Fire Protection
17.8 Explosion Prevention and Protection
SECTION 18: Confining Fires
18.1 Confinement of Fire in Buildings
18.2 Interior Finish
18.3 Smoke Movement in Buildings
18.4 Venting Practices
18.5 Firestopping
18.6 Deflagration Venting
SECTION 19: Structural Fire Protection
19.1 Fundamentals of Structurally Safe Building Design
19.2 Types of Building Construction
19.3 Modular Construction
19.4 Fire Resistance of Structural Members and Assemblies
19.5 Structural Fire Safety in One- and Two-Family Dwellings
19-6 Analyzing Structural Fire Damage
19-7 Structural Fire Safety Calculation Methods
SECTION 20: Protecting Occupancies
20.1 Assessing Life Safety in Buildings
20.2 Board and Care Facilities
20.3 Lodging Establishments and University Housing
20.4 Apartment Buildings
20.5 One- and Two-Family Dwellings
20.6 Manufactured Housing
20.7 High-Rise Buildings
20.8 Assembly Occupancies
20.9 Mercantile Occupancies
20.10 Business Occupancies
20.11 Educational Occupancies
20.12 Day-Care Occupancies
20.13 Detention and Correctional Occupancies
20.14 Health Care Occupancies
20.15 Storage Occupancies
20.16 Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship
20.17 Industrial Occupancies
20.18 Occupancies in Special Structures
SECTION 21: Transportation Fire Safety
21.1 Passenger Vehicle Fires
21.2 Fire Safety in Commercial Vehicles
21.3 Automotive and Marine Service Station Operations
21.4 Alternative Fueled Vehicles and Fueling
21.5 Fuel Cell Vehicles
21.6 Recreational Vehicles
21.7 Fixed Guideway Transit and Light Rail Systems
21.8 Rail Transportation Systems
21.9 Marine Vessels
21.10 Road Tunnels and Bridges
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